HomeUSACaliforniaJoshua Tree National ParkWonderland of RocksWonderland SouthCentral WonderlandDiarrhea DomeBighorn Mating Grotto<Euphrates5.11c>Sanctuary (aka Book of Changes)5.10b5.10atradFA Craig Fry, Alan Roberts, Dave Evans, Margy Floyd & Kelly Carrignan, February 1985CREATED UPDATED Tick this climbDescriptionProtectionRoutes in Bighorn Mating Grotto1Take Two, They're Small5.9+Trad2Euphrates5.11cTrad3Dangling Woo Li Master5.10aTrad 4Sanctuary (aka Book of Changes)5.10bTrad5Morning Thunder5.10dTrad6Caught Inside on a Big Set5.10aTrad