HomeUSANew MexicoEl RitoEl Rito Sport AreaEl Norte>Sorry Mr Policeman But if I Wanted to Talk to Someone I Would Have Called a Friend5.9-5.9sportFA unknownCREATED UPDATED Tick this climbDescriptionProtectionRoutes in El Norte1Unfinished (Unknown)5.9Sport 2Sorry Mr Policeman But if I Wanted to Talk to Someone I Would Have Called a Friend5.9-Sport3Fierce Urgency of Now5.10bSport4My Hair Challenged Friend5.9Sport5Anis del Mono5.9Sport6Lard Ass5.11c/dSport7F-Bomb5.12aSport8Dirty Girl5.10aSport9Irrational Fear of Boredom5.9Sport10Consistency of Re-fried Beans5.10bSport11Junk Drawer5.10cSport12Abiquiu5.9Sport