HomeUSANevadaSouthern NevadaLa Madre RangeBox CanyonTrench Town<No More Trouble5.9>One Foundation5.10bEdit modeGive Thanks and Praise5.9sportFA Keith WentzCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionThis route starts on the left side of the same pillar that One Foundation starts on. Really nice runnels leads up to a left-facing corner that you follow to the left. Shares the same anchor as the route to the left, No More Trouble.LocationThis route starts on the same pillar as One Foundation, but on the left side.Protection10 protection bolts and bolted anchor.Routes in Trench Town1No More Trouble5.9Sport2Give Thanks and Praise5.9Sport 3One Foundation5.10bSport4Shredder5.11dSport