HomeUSAColoradoAlpine RockSan JuansGrenadiers, TheGuardian, The<Theory of the Leisure Class5.8>Serpentine Son Rise (AKA The Sunrise)5.10-5.9tradalpineFA (Possible First Ascent?) Wesley Ashwood, Nic Harnish, Kealsea Sheely, August 2011CREATED UPDATED Tick this climbDescriptionLocationProtectionRoutes in The Guardian1Theory of the Leisure Class5.8Trad · Alpine2Weather Window Waltz (The Guardian NE Face)5.9Trad · Alpine 3Serpentine Son Rise (AKA The Sunrise)5.10-Trad · Alpine4A Prayer to Earl and Valerie: The John Joline Memorial Route5.9Trad · Alpine