HomeUSAColoradoFour Corners AreaDolores River Canyon (Dove Creek) Pumphouse Left>Pump House Crack5.11tradFA unknown who did the FA...thought we were the first, but then noticed an anchor up top. This anchor services two climbs, so it's unclear still.CREATED UPDATED Tick this climbDescriptionLocationProtectionRoutes in F. Pumphouse Left1Pump House Direct5.11Trad 2Pump House CrackDisciplines not set3Joint Effort5.10Trad4Unknown5.10Trad5Texas Corner5.10Trad6Cinco de Mayo5.10-Trad7Sunday Stroll5.10+Trad8Rattlesnake Crack5.11Trad · Aid9The Ear5.11+Trad10Adventure with Puck5.9+Trad