HomeUSANorth Carolina1. Southern Mountains RegionDark Side (Closed to climbing, included for historic reference), TheCougar Crag, The<The Catbird Seat5.11+>Address Unknown5.105.12tradFA Harrison Shull, John Myers and Sean Cobourn 2005CREATED UPDATED Tick this climbDescriptionLocationProtectionRoutes in The Cougar Crag1Are You Still An Alcoholic?5.8Trad2The Kitten5.5Trad3Miss Emmylou5.10Trad4Upper Gully5.6Trad5Flight Of The Bulldog5.11aTrad6The Catbird Seat5.11+Trad7Return To Sender5.12Trad 8Address Unknown5.10Trad9Puff Daddy Sits Out5.11+Trad