HomeUSAWashingtonOlympics & Pacific CoastOlympic National ParkOlympic BoulderingKalaloch Beach 3Low Tide Boulder>Prow RightV1Edit modeProw LeftV1boulderingalpineFA unknownCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionStart on the same low crimp as Prow Right with feet low ridge. Big move up and left on another solid crimp. Match this crimp, then use a high right foot and a good right facing sidepull to reach the top jug.LocationStarts the same as Prow Right, on the north face of the Low Tide Boulder.Protection1 Crash PadRoutes in Low Tide Boulder1Prow LeftV1Bouldering · Alpine 2Prow RightV1Bouldering · Alpine3Low Tide CenterV1Bouldering · Alpine4ChimichangasV1+Bouldering · Alpine5CrabclawsV3-Bouldering · Alpine