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Peak Mountain 3


FA unknown
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


p1. some of the most golden colored rock in the others, start up easy ledges and crack that lead to small right-facing gold corner. 5.10ish moves turn into 10b as you leave the corner (tricky thin gear) then one slick 5.9 R move straight up. might be tricky to find a good anchor.

p2. just go up to the ledge it's easy.

the rest is just scrambling to reach the top, maybe rope up for some of it.

decend hallway of the gods


It's on the left side of the second terrace. If I can remember correctly it's the slabiest, least broken part of the wall, the route goes up the gold streak, you cant really tell that it's a corner until you get close. We approached from the right and traversed the ledge that seperates terrace one and two, dont really rememeber how we got to that ledge because we were about 15 spliffs and 5 shots deep...


bring nuts and thin gear, gear to 3"

Routes in Second Terrace

  1. 1
    Alpine ยท Trad
2000 km
1000 mi