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Peak Mountain 3

Byers Remorse

FA Ethan Berkeland
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Scramble over a few loose blocks to a ledge where a #5 crack starts, grovel your way up the crack, walking your number 5 to some chockstones and sporty face climbing, get into the roof crack to the right and begin moving outward, plugging gear on demand, commit to pulling over the roof and arrive at a 2 bolt anchor. This route is a pain to clean and TR, so be ready for some shenanigans.


The highest and furthest south part of the the rock overlooking Byers Lake, distinct roof is visible from afar


Gear to 2 plus a #5 camalot

Routes in Upper Tier - South

  1. 1
    Byers Remorse
2000 km
1000 mi