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Peak Mountain 3

War Story

FA Marshall
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Begin on a good low foot edge, left hand high on a sideways crimp, right hand on a sloping crimp above the foot. Stand start is V5 and the right hand is the only difference, in a side pull that removes the crux. Good crimp ladder pulling on this one, if the grade is hard then might be a little sandbagged. This boulder is visible across the creek, on the trail hike in around the 1 mile mark.


From the waterfall, descend the creek during the summer and fall months for some easier approach creek hopping to War Story, aptly named for the times I went to the boulder not during the low water months.

South side of the creek, and about twenty feet from the bed, this boulder has sharper more grainy holds than the others mentioned here, providing a more Leavy-esque problem.


One or two pads, depending on comfort and this landing is deceptively good.

Routes in Thanks for coming

  1. 2
    War Story
3000 km
2000 mi