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Peak Mountain 3

Four Play

FA Todd Burks, Dave Nettle, 8/2018
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Rap the route to approach, leaving an extra 60m rope fixed at the rim anchor, plus ascenders, to avoid a dirty topout.

Do not rappel the final 150' to the ground at base of wall - it's blank.

3 pitches of 5.10 and 1 of 5.8.

Crux on p3 is 5.10+ wild overhanging stems and chimney moves, protected by small gear.


On the Back Wall, directly below the campsite.


Rack: 2x TCUs and cams to .5", 1x .75 - #4. 1 set small wires.

5 extra sets biners and slings to leave at rap anchors (until someone adds rings).

1 extra 60m rope and ascenders to fix at anchor on rim (to avoid dirty topout).

2 50-60m ropes or 1 80m rope to rap to start.

2000 km
1000 mi