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Peak Mountain 3


FA Brent Webster
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Follow the bolt line up the left side of the middle tier face on slanty holds. The crux on the first pitch is getting over the gap by either following crack up right or maneuvering directly over gap. Proceed up easy face climbing to your pick of 3 top anchors (to left of bush, right/under bush, and above bush). If continuing on to 2nd pitch the anchors above the bush provide a nice belay ledge. There are variations on the second pitch to get up to the ridge - the bolted route to the left from the belay station above the bush is a sustained 5.10a with blocky vertical holds.


To the left of

Burning Bush

. Starts out towards the low double bolts.


10-12 quick draws. There are a couple options for top anchors on the first pitch and the second pitch will take you up to the top of the ridge with anchors to rappel off (3 rappels and you're back on the ground).

Routes in Middle Tier (Left Side)

1000 km
500 mi