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Peak Mountain 3

A Portal to Nowhere

FA Mark Ulbrich, Jan 2021
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Start laying on your back with your feet vice gripping either side of the overhanging rock.  Starting hands are shown in the photos, left hand pinching the arete and right hand on a sloping jug.  Be cautious to not dab, as this is the crux, and avoid the rocks on either side of the overhang, specifically the right one as it is easy to dab on.  Make your way up and out of the narrow cave and finish by topping out.  By the way, I'm only 5'6" and still had trouble not dabbing, so tall people be warned.There are harder variations depending on how far in the cave you start.


The narrow cave in the middle of the main face of the Portal Area.


A pad, however, it becomes much harder to not dab if using one.

2000 km
1000 mi