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Peak Mountain 3

Crack of Earthly Delights

FA Jim Black, Pete Delannoy, John Matteson 7-3-80
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Excellent corner pitch followed by a very exposed summit finish. Absolute must do! Pitch 1 (5.9 135') Climb up the steep right facing corner pulling a few strenuous laybacks early on, then fun cruiser stemming on big feet and plenty of patina jugs. Once the corner fades, traverse out left across flakes up into the saddle to find the anchors above on a separate formation. Pitch 2 (5.8R 75') Head directly up rib past one old bolt to the top. Bring small (Rp's) gear to supplement. 2nd pitch anchor needs to be replaced (as of 8-24-13). I would recommend a needles style rap.


On the left side of Bartizan Wall find the huge chimney, 'Terror-Cracktyl', Earthly Delights is the obvious right facing/leaning corner 20' left of that. Best to gain belay ledge by scrambling, 4th/5th class, from the SW gully. Either rap from 1st pitch anchors (double rope rap) or walk off the back.


Single rack to 3", doubles of fingers Nuts

1000 km
500 mi