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Peak Mountain 3

The Vulgarian

FA Allen Sanderson & David Susong Aug 2015
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


The Vulgarian starts at the base of Pox on Vulgaria but climbs the perfect vertical gear crack two feet to the right of the bolts on Vulgaria. At the midway ledge the route merges with Pox on Vulgaria but does not use the bolts instead use the excellent horizontals for gear. A fine gear route for the 5.8 leader.


Two feet to the right of Vulgaria


Small to mid size cams - a .2 Camalot is handy near the top. This route is a great 5.8 route. Excellent protection. The .2 placement near the top gives a 5.8 leader confidence to make the step to under the roof to the last horizontal - also great gear.

500 km
500 mi