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Peak Mountain 3


FA unknown
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


A short climb on a right-leaning crack through two large pods. The hardest moves are right at the start. The rock is generally good, with sturdy face holds and deep pockets between the pods.


Located on the far west end of the Shady Side, about 20 ft to the left of Swainson, just to the right of a small juniper. Descend by scrambling off to the west.


Gear can be placed at each of the pods stances, and different options are available for small or large gear. After the second pod, wires or tricams can protect the last moves before the top. The placements are not obvious and require some searching.

No fixed gear is at the top and there are scant gear placements for setting an anchor. The main protectable features at the top of the route are small pockets, which can take tricams or small cams. Long extensions are good to have as these features are sometimes far apart.

2000 km
1000 mi