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Peak Mountain 3

Lizard Head

FA unknown
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Stand start with you left hand in a shallow, crimpy hueco and your right hand on the corner of the lizard's smile. Traverse up and right following the ledge that makes the lizard's mouth until you reach the apex of the boulder. At that point, top out using a huge double-hand glory hold.


This problem starts on the east face of the first big boulder you find off the left of the trial after you pass the Joe 97 boulder. The problem starts uphill from

Crescent Moon

. If you pass the boulder and look back at it from next to Barn Door, it looks like a lizard's head.


Pad if you want. The traverse is low, so you can step off if you somehow manage to get distressed. The topout is low too.

1000 km
1000 mi