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Peak Mountain 3

Bell Rock - Kamps Route

FA Bob Kamps, et. al. ?
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Just about anyone that's been to Sedona knows the familiar shape of Bell Rock near Oak Creek Village. Is it climbable? You bet!

Approach from the trailhead on the east side of highway 179, just north of Bell Rock. Hike up to the west side of the formation, shooting for a large gully. Scramble and hike up the gully to a flat shelf at the top. Rack up here. To reach the start of the route, cross east and a bit north on the shelf to a notch leading to the east side of the summit towers. The route is accessed off a shelf on that side.

P1) We did a pitch to get up into the initial corner. From the shelf mentioned above, lead up and right to gain an alcove below the big right-facing corner of the second pitch. There's a single bolt here and a bush.

P2) Climb the right-facing corner (you'll see some old bolt casings) to the notch above, then traverse right and continue up another right-leaning crack to the top.

Descent: Single line rappel back down the east side. Then backtrack through the notch to your packs.


Light standard rack, nuts and cams from 1/2" to #3 Camalot size.

Routes in Bell Rock

  1. 1
    Bell Rock - Kamps Route
1000 km
500 mi