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Peak Mountain 3

The Little Engine That Could

FA unknown
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


There is a large rock a few paces to the north of the main wall. On the backside there are 3 beginner-friendly bolted routes. The three routes on this rock get their names from classic nursery rhymes. The Little Engine that Could is the left route. This is the shortest of the three climbs. But even though it is the shortest, it feels like the hardest of the three which is great! But be careful of the tree next to the wall when repelling back down.

Out of respect to the original route creators – if anyone knows the original name of this route please leave it in a comment and it will be changed. Thank you.


Left route on the backside of the large rock a few paces north from the main wall.


2 bolts with hangers to TR chains. There is also an anchor at the top to safely reach the TR chains.

1000 km
500 mi