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Peak Mountain 3

Rest in Peace

FA Welton/Aamodt, August 2010
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Work your way up to a bolt protecting a devious, palm-down, mantlish move in a V-slot. Right hand palms down, right foot matches near the right hand, left hand is on a high crimp, and then right hand reaches out to a sloping crimp/sidepull. Delicately rock over and head up past bolts though steep bulges to a final small roof before a two-bolt anchor. Lots of balance and technique are required. Fun climb.


This ascends the Northwest corner of The Thumb, uphill and to the right of

North Overhangs

and the

Zig Arete



Bolts. Anchors at the top.

1000 km
500 mi