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Peak Mountain 3

Red Sparrow

FA unknown
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Crux is lowest portion you start on. I have been told when you start left hand crimp and right hand sloper this is V3, and when you start at the lowest left hand side pull and right hand on 2-finger pebble this is a V4. Cool climb, regardless. Guidebook has SDS with left hand on lower side pull and right hand on 2-finger pebble as a V5. Input welcome on any of this.


Vid is unofficial/easiest (V3) version:…


If you are at bottom of Parking Lot Boulders, follow creek upstream and Sparrow will be on your right. Usually you will see chalk on this boulder on right side facing West toward parking lot.


Slight incline on approach but overall nice area for pad.

1000 km
1000 mi