We're giving this page a facelift!Visit the previous versionto make edits.Peak Mountain 3Add photo Edit (TBD) Photo MapCopy LinkHomeUSAUtahSouthwest UtahSaint GeorgeCrawdad Canyon / VeyoCartoon Crag, The>Strung Out Charlie Brown5.11cTasmanian Twist5.8sportFA unknownCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023DescriptionThird route from the left.ProtectionBolts to anchor.Routes in The Cartoon Crag1Tasmanian Twist5.8Sport 2Strung Out Charlie Brown5.11cSport3Whacked out Lucy5.11dSport4Ego Massage5.8+Sport5Barney With An Attitude5.9Sport6Homerpalooza5.12aSport7Butthead5.10cSport8Beavis5.10aSport9Smurfs on Steroids5.10aSport10Bar-B-Que5.10aSportUse Ctrl + scroll to zoom the mapUse two fingers to move the map1000 km500 miMapLibreCrags/BouldersBoundarieslightUse Ctrl + scroll to zoom the mapUse two fingers to move the map1000 km500 miMapLibreCrags/BouldersBoundarieslight