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Peak Mountain 3

Haciendo Polvo

FA Trevor Bowman and Emily Reinsel 3/24/14
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


A left-facing dihedral that is on a narrowing block fractured from a tall pillar that spans the height of the cliff.

Starts as cups, but quickly narrows through hands, thin hands, and into tight .75/baggy .5 laybacking through an overhanging stretch to a "thank God" handjam at the lip of the steep bit. Ends on the narrow ledge atop the detached block (which is dusty from the removal of several sizable blocks).

This is a pumpy layback affair on good Bluff rock, although there's some friable edges on the face and some lichen near the top.


Near the center of the west-facing cliff that runs from the shallow side canyon just beyond the parking/fenceline (south) to the Bant (north). Refer to the overview/ Beta picture below.

From the parking area/gate, walk up the closed two-track for about 1/2 mile, cut cross-country right (west) through the wash (brushy) and up the loose hillside to the cliff.

About 30 minutes from the car.


(1X) .4 (3X) .5, .75 (2X) 1 (1X) 2, 3 BD camalots, chain/cold shut anchor.

1000 km
500 mi